ZURICH, Suisse, 17 juill. 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — L’organisation humanitaire à but non lucratif basée en Suisse, la Fondation Andan, en collaboration avec l’initiative MIT Solve du Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), est ravie d’annoncer la mise en jeu du Prix Andan pour l’innovation en matière d’inclusion des réfugiés de cette année qui vise à promouvoir des solutions qui font […]
Day: July 17, 2024
A Andan Foundation anuncia o Prêmio de Inovação em Inclusão de Refugiados em colaboração com o MIT Solve do Massachusetts Institute of Technology
ZURIQUE, Suíça, July 17, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — A Andan Foundation, uma organização humanitária sem fins lucrativos sediada na Suíça, em colaboração com o MIT Solve do Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), tem o prazer de anunciar o Prêmio Andan de Inovação em Inclusão de Refugiados, que busca promover soluções que promovam a inclusão econômica, financeira e política de refugiados […]
GMAC Board Election Affirms Continuity, Drive toward Business for Good
Global org of leading business schools dedicated to advancing equitable access to education RESTON, Va., July 17, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — The Graduate Management Admission Council (GMAC), a non-profit association representing over 200 graduate business schools around the globe, today announced the election to her first full term of Itziar de Ros, associate dean of […]
Energy Solutions Provider Becomes Regional Partner and Value-Added Reseller to Deploy, Train, Sell, and Support SPEE3D Technology in West Africa Nigeria, West Africa, July 17, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — SPEE3D, a leading global additive manufacturing company, announced a strategic partnership with RusselSmith to bring SPEE3D’s cold spray additive manufacturing (CSAM) solution to West Africa. RusselSmith is a leading […]
En élisant de nouveaux membres à son Conseil d’administration, le GMAC s’inscrit dans la continuité de son engagement en faveur d’une activité au service du bien commun
Une association regroupant les principales écoles de commerce à l’échelle mondiale qui prône l’égalité des chances dans l’accès à l’éducation RESTON, Virginie, 17 juill. 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Le Graduate Management Admission Council (ou « GMAC »), une association à but non lucratif regroupant plus de 200 écoles de commerce partout dans le monde, annonce ce jour […]
Ayorkumi: Enthralling stage play receives massive endorsement at Accra premiere
A Gerald Nyarko Mensah stage play titled ‘Ayorkumi’, premiered last Saturday at Alliance Francaise in Accra with positive feedback from patrons.
It was put together by Gene Fusion House and directed by Kobina Hagan, with a cast and crew of about 40 m…
Teachers advised to position themselves as change agents
Professor Prince Boateng, the Principal of Ada College of Education (ADACOE), has advised teachers to position themselves as change agents in their respective fields.
Professor Boateng further stated that building their brand as change agents must be…
Dengue Fever outbreak spreads to Central region with 36 cases recorded
The Dengue Fever outbreak in Ghana has spread to the Central region with the number of cases increasing to 36 in the last three days.
Nine cases were first detected in communities in the Eastern region by health care workers using an appropriate Case…