Tunis: President of the Republic Kais Saied chaired, on Wednesday, at Carthage Palace, a meeting about the implementation of the Aghlabid Medical City project in the governorate of Kairouan.

The meeting shed light on the hurdles which have slowed down the launch of this megaproject since 2020, reads a statement of the Presidency of the Republic.

”Some parties are working with domestic and foreign parties to prevent the launch of this project,” the statement adds.

The meeting also focused on the future legal status of the Aghlabid Medical City as well as the legal framework to be adopted in order to avoid any further delay.

Ways of raising internal and external funds to speed up the launch of the project were also discussed.

The Head of State spoke of the situation of public health facilities in Tunisia which he said «have been on decline since the adoption of the Structural Reform Programme introduced in the late 1980s,» saying that «several Tunisian hospitals lack the most basic supplies although they
have the best qualified medical and paramedical teams in the world.»

«Tunisia, which is not against fostering international cooperation in the medical field, must find ways to motivate its highly qualified doctors to stay in the country and work particularly in inland regions,” Saied underlined.

The Head of State explained that “hundreds of the best healthcare professionals and from other sectors are leaving Tunisia because of inappropriate working conditions in the country.”

Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse