The Office of the Prime Minister on Thursday announced that government has availed funds to assist the Kangungu family, which lost 16 people to alleged food poisoning in the Kavango East Region last week.

The ministry made this announcement in a media release issued by its Chief Public Relations Officer, Rhingo Mutambo.

“Following the catastrophic death of 16 Kangungu family members at Kayova village, government resolved to avail a total amount of N.dollars 107 000 to cover expenditure related to the funeral services,” Mutambo said.

He explained that government, through the National Emergency Disaster Fund, will cover the costs of the coffins, burial and transport for all the deceased to the value of N.dollars 82 000.

Government, he said, will also provide food and refreshments worth N.dollars 15 000 and an additional N.dollars 10 000 for two shade tents.

“The OPM and government at large wish to extend its sincere compassion to the bereaved family and the entire Ndiyona Constituency, who lost their loved ones in this unexpected shocking calamity,” he stated.

The OPM further called on faith-based organisations, social workers, community leaders, the corporate sector and individuals, to assist the bereaved family to cope with this difficult situation.

A memorial service for the deceased will be held on Friday at Kayova village while the funerals will be held on Saturday.

Source: The Namibian Press Agency