OPUWO: The Frank Fredericks Foundation (FFF) reinforced its commitment to school development in Namibia this week by donating school uniforms to nine schools as part of its ‘back-to-school initiative’ valued at N.dollars 100 000.

Among the schools that benefited from the project is Opuwo Junior Primary School (OJPS) in the Kunene district, where 10 pupils received uniforms valued at N.dollars 10 000.

The donation event at OJPS took place on Tuesday, and other schools are expected to receive their donations over the course of the week.

Suama Shingenge, Frank Fredericks Foundation Public Relations Officer, remarked in a statement read on her behalf at the donation ceremony that the foundation has been a beacon of hope and support for young Namibian athletes because of its founder, Frank Fredericks’ vision.

According to Shingenge, returning to their roots demonstrates their real commitment to the people they serve. Shingenge added that the giving of uniforms is more than just providing clothing, as it is als
o a statement of optimism, encouragement and the awareness that someone believes in their abilities.

‘Today, as we donate school uniforms to these young minds, we are not merely providing them with clothing; we are offering them as a gesture that goes beyond material assistance. It is a reminder that, with a helping hand, dreams can be realised and goals can be achieved,’ she said.

Shingenge emphasised the importance of education in unlocking one’s full potential. According to her, initiatives like these strive to make ambitions feasible for all young Namibians, similar to how Frank Fredericks was able to achieve his own.

The school’s principal, Albert Tjiuma, expressed gratitude for the donation, noting that they consider themselves privileged because the donation has provided joy to all those who have benefited.

Shinime Shiimvula Primary School (Ondangwa), PJ TsaiTsaib Combined School (Mariental), Krolein Primary School (Keetmanshoop), Fidel Castro Ruz, Elim, Saint Andrews and Hillside Primary Schools,
all in Windhoek, also benefited from the donation.

Source: The Namibia Press Agency

The Complementary Education Agency (CEA) has targeted to educate 30, 000 out-of-school children in four regions where the situation has been identified to be endemic.

The intervention, planned for the Bono, Upper East, Upper West and Northern Regions and eight districts, is under the Provision of Complementary Basic Education to out-of-school children between the ages of eight and 16.

This was said at the launch of Cycle 9 Complementary Basic Education (CBE) and Remedial Education Programmes for out-of-school children and dropouts.?

Madam Catherine Appiah-Pinkrah, Acting Executive Director of the Agency, said the selection of the regions was based on the pervasive nature of several vulnerable children who had not received basic formal education.

‘When these young children are developed, they can brighten the corner where they are. It is, therefore, incumbent upon the Agency to offer the out-of-school children the opportunity to acquire education outside the formal classroom,’ she said.

Madam Appiah-Pinkr
ah said stakeholders, including the CEA, should not assume that the Complementary Basic Education was a favour done to the children but Ghana’s future is secured.

She said the most challenging aspect of educating the children had been their integration into the regular classrooms and called for strategic programmes not to ‘make these children hanging’.

In an interview with the Ghana News Agency, the Acting Executive Director said the CEA educated 5, 000 out-of-school children in six districts in Cycle 8 in 2023 and that the training hinged on TVET skills acquisition.?

Madam Gifty Twum Ampofo, Deputy Minister for Education, who launched the Cycle 9 Complementary Basic Education and Remedial Education Programmes, said the country needed to give an all-inclusive education where citizens would not only read and write but know the effects of destroying the environment.

Source: Ghana News Agency