Run-of local elections candidates in the Remada West constituency (Tataouine governorate) are Mabrouk Tijani (140 votes, i.e. 31.25% of all votes) and Mohamed Ghandri (198 votes, 44.2%).

Tijani’s manifesto is centred on relaunching stalled projects, notably those related to the creation of the local Civil Protection office, the cultural centre and the municipal slaughterhouse.

The candidate further pledges to expand the irrigated areas and agricultural roads, supply feed to livestock farmers and support the financing of professional groups and communitarian companies, in addition to stimulating desert tourism, completing the solar energy project and building a water treatment and sewage plant in Remada.

For his part, Ghandri focused his programme on enhancing town planning, road infrastructure and public lighting projects.

He further pledged to develp the skills of young people and promote services at the local hospital in Remada by providing it with the needed human resources so as to function properly,
as well as boosting cultural activity in the region.

Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse