Ouagadougou: A pilgrimage organized on the occasion of the celebration of the Assumption mobilized thousands of Catholic faithful to the Notre Dame de Yagma sanctuary this Thursday in Ouagadougou.

In commemoration of the elevation of the Virgin Mary to heaven, ‘hundreds of thousands of Christian faithful stormed the Notre Dame de Yagma sanctuary for the pilgrimage of the Assumption,’ reports the information portal Lefaso.net .

A human tide converged at dawn towards this religious site located north of Ouagadougou. Some on foot, others on bicycles, motorbikes or even cars, each who went there as best they could to attend the Marian mass under security vigilance mobilized in large numbers for this occasion.

Inside and outside, the police kept a close watch and each pilgrim was thoroughly searched before entering the place of prayer.

Inside, on the benches in the shade of the trees, pilgrims stretch as far as the eye can see, mostly dressed in Assumption uniforms.

The Eucharistic celebration was presided ov
er by Cardinal Phillipe Ouédraogo in the presence of a government delegation represented by the Minister of State, Minister of Communication, Culture, Arts and Tourism, Jean Emmanuel Ouédraogo and his colleagues responsible for the Humanitarian Action, and Animal Resources.

Another government team composed of the Minister of State, Minister of the Civil Service, Labor and Social Protection, Bassolma Bazié and Secretary General of the Government and the Council of Ministers, Mathias Traoré, visited

and provided its support and a message of national unity to Catholics celebrating the Assumption this August 15 in Ouagadougou at the Saint Augustin parish of Bissighin to send a message of national unity to the Catholic faithful.

This 29th Yagma pilgrimage takes place under the theme ‘Mary, queen of peace, servant of the Lord’.

Source : Burkina Information Agency